5 Day Challenge

Kick Bloat to the Curb Challenge

Say goodbye to bloat for good with these easy steps.

Each day I'll teach you specific ways you can reduce and avoid bloat for good, through the foods you eat.

Here is what you'll learn:

Day 1: What does Plant Based really mean

(and why it isn't so scary)?

Day 2: 10 foods most people think are "good" for them, but actually cause bloat.

Day 3: Must have spices if you want to reduce and keep the bloat at bay.

Day 4: 5 plant based bloat remedies to reduce bloat immediately.

Day 5: My 4-step formula to help make meal prep easy.

Since working with Demi, I've had little to no more bloat, better sleep, and feel better about everything I cook now. ”

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